Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Possum Control: How to trap possums

opossumAlmost every home owner who encounters possums in their compound finds them a great nuisance. Possums are known to rummage through garbage cans and steal the food you leave for your pets. Even though it can be a bit tricky to get rid of possums, with a little perseverance you can be able to convince the backyard possum to move elsewhere.In order to effectively get rid of opossums, it is always important to first understand their habits. Even though they prefer wooded areas or open fields near streams, opossums will easily create a home in abandoned burrows; tree crevices; brush piles; or areas beneath steps, decks, and outbuildings.
Being nocturnal animals, possums will be very active at night and sleep throughout the day. This is why they can be difficult to spot when they are attacking your garden. If you are keen you will be able to spot signs of their presence such as their droppings, tracks, over turned pet food dishes or garbage cans and damaged plants. Backyard possums are also considered to be omnivores since they feed on fruits, nuts, insects, eggs and small animals such as frogs and mice.
The most common control methods that are used for backyard possums include opossum repellents, trapping and fencing.There are very many products that are available on the market which target repelling these wild animals. The problem with these products is that they only provide a short time solution. Apart from these methods, other possum control methods include using motion-activated sprinkler systems. These will startle the creatures and frighten them off.Use of traps on opossum is also another commonly used method employed for possum control. Even though it is challenging to know how to trap a possum, getting to know what to do with one after you have captured it is the biggest challenge. This is because a captured possum needs to be relocated by an authorized wildlife expert in most areas.
It is illegal to kill these animals in most states and hence it should be the last resort. Trapping them in a box or cage-like trap can be easy and the trap should measure approximately 10 by 12 by 32 inches. The best places to place the traps includes along trails and known travel routes. A bait should be included and a trap can be baited with fruit such as over ripe melons, grapes, or bananas.Use of fences such as putting up woven wire or electric fences is also a great possum control method. The fence that is put up around garden areas needs to be approximately four feet high, with the top foot or so facing outward and away from the garden. This is to prevent the possums from climbing over. You can also add an electric fence that is about 3-4 inches over the top so as to keep the possums away. read more.

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