Tuesday, September 29, 2015




All told in Australia there are five main pest species ofcockroaches.  The different species comprise of German, Smoky-brown, American, Australian and Brown-banded cockroaches.

The reason that they are regarded as pests is due to a number of factors these are:
  • their ability to reproduce quickly
  • char characteristic odour
  • their ability to contaminate food by their droppings and
  • regurgitations and the spread of diseases.
Pest technicians are often asked by clients “Aren’t cockroaches supposed to be one of the cleanest animals because of the grooming habits?”

This is  obviously a myth because of the habits of cockroach to roam through sewers, urinals, garbage and rubbish.

They consume food and faeces of man and animals, harbouring diseases such as Salmonella, Diarrhoea and Typhus.

Advice To Get Rid of Cockroaches:

Visual inspection is a very important part of cockroach control. We ask clients if they have noticed any particular trouble areas, then we inspect all known cockroach hiding places such as:

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