Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Carpenter Ant Removal

Carpenter Ant Removal

Carpenter ant removal from your home is best left to the experts that are properly trained in this field.  There are however, some suggestions you can do on your own.  I would like to review a few with you and leave the final decision up to you, if the time and energy is worth it to do by yourself or to have a professional exterminator come in and do the job more efficiently .

Termites and Ants
Carpenter Ant Removal
The first thing you would need to do is inspect your home, from roof to basement and everywhere in between, in search of the nest (also known as “galleries”) of the carpenter ants.  Unless you locate the nest, any pest control treatment used is rendered a waste of time.  Carpenter ants are usually nocturnal pests, and it is recommended to search for these nests at dawn (just before the sun rises) or in the evening (earliest should be one hour after sunset).  I can only think of a million things that I would rather be doing during those hours than looking forcarpenter ants.  Will someone please explain to me, how I am supposed to find these galleries in the dark?!

Here is another one of my favorite tips that I came across: sincecarpenter antsare attracted to food, “they” (the people with the bright ideas) tell me to wipe crumbs off the counter top and sweep the kitchen floor after every meal.  Heck! My momma was telling me that for years! That is not a “carpenter ant removal tip”; it is common sense and good hygiene.

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