Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Bee Removal

Bee Removal Canberra

Bee Removal Canberra
Ways of Bee Removal
Are you having a problem dealing with bee removal or wasps? Is it extremely difficult in your area to find a Bee keeper or a Bee Catcher for bee removal?

If you are looking for highly qualified, licensed and full equipped pest control professionals, call Bob on 0407 065 413

or email at bob@a1pestcontrolcanberra.com.au for fast action and permanent results.

How to Get Rid of Bees:
An untrained person is certainly not someone that you want when it comes tobee removal, a bee swarm or even a single bee can inflict painful and numerous stings and in the unfortunate possibility that you might be allergic, a single sting can possibly prove fatal.

It is highly recommended that if you wish to monitor any bee activity, such as their search for a new nest on your property, that this should be done at a safe distance, preferably in a protected area, such as the inside of your home. This will give you the safety that you should have and also gives you access to a phone, in order to call a Bee Catcher or Keeper or a pest control specialist well versed in bee removal.

It is imperative that you do not try to antagonize the bees by throwing rocks, spraying them or trying to cover their nest, all this will do is rile them up and put yourself in danger.

Best Time to Move Bees:

The best possible time to bee removal or relocate bees is prior to the erecting of a new hive. If at all possible, contact a bee keeper by looking them up in the yellow pages, they should be listed under: “Beekeepers and Apiarists”.

If there are multiple reporting’s of bees in the area or if it is spring time, you might have difficulty contacting the local beekeeper, in the interim it is advisable to stay clear of the area, this goes especially true of small children, since they might not know any better and could get seriously hurt.

If the bees have already built a hive, then it is highly recommended that a fully licensed, equipped and knowledgeable pest control specialist be contacted so that the proper form of action can be taken.

Bee Removal Canberra:

Anytime an untrained and ill-equipped person triesbee removalon their own it usually has all the markings of a disaster waiting to happen. An untrained person attempting to use chemical sprays or smokers in the vain effort of trying to calm or subdue the bees will more than likely cause the bees to swarm and attack leading to someone getting hurt and if they are allergic possibly worse.

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