Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Bed Bug Control

Bed Bug Control Canberra

Bed Bugs
Bed Bug Control
Searching for a Bed Bugs pest control? How Do You Know You Have Bed Bugs?   Bed Bugs today are a real problem as the insect is one of the most travelled wingless insects in the world.  They are a rust coloured insect oval in shape and around 4 to 5mm long when they become adult.   If you have a problem of bed bugs in your home or in your business environment call Call Bob on 0407 065 413 or email him at Bob@a1pestcontrolcanberra.com.au

 Bed Bug Control Tips

With bed bugs they change colour through to dark red after they have gorged on a blood yes your blood – now that is a horrible thought!   Although bed bugs are hard to distinguish as they are flat and thin means which makes detection difficult as they can hide in the narrowest crevices and cracks, making it very difficult for the naked eye to locate them.   There are 2 main species that are commonly named the bed bug and they are called Cimex lectularius, and the other tropical bed bug called Cimex hemipterus.   Until recently there was only one type of bug known in Australia but now the tropical version has also recently made a presence. Bed Bugs Developmental stages:   In all there are 5 juvenile stages, which are known as nymphs, these are really only smaller versions of the adults in appearance.   With each nymphal stage requires at least 1 blood meal to moult to the next stage and it takes between 5 to 10 minutes for complete engorgement to occur.   The whole nymphal development takes approx 6 to 8 weeks; meantime the adult bed bugs can live on average for 6 to 12 months.   The main food that both the nymphal and adult stages require for both sexes require blood for nutrition and for development.   In the mating stage, each female lays 2 to 3 eggs a day throughout her lifespan.   The light whitish coloured eggs are approx 1mm in length are cemented on rough surfaces of where they are hiding, and will hatch within around 10 days at room temperature, but longer in cooler conditions.   You can see how it really doesn’t take much to have a bed bug epidemic as these pests can breed very quickly given the right conditions.   As now you can see now how quickly a bed bug problem can multiply and get out of control without the correct treatment.  What do bed bugs eat?   bed bugs These quiet nasty little bugs are especially adapted physically for piercing through skin and sucking blood your blood mainly is their favourite.   As with any blood sucking arthropods, they inject saliva during feeding, which has anticoagulant properties.   The bed bugs are more at home in the warmth and carbon dioxide of a host and quickly home in on a suitable feeding site. The bed bugs tend not to live on humans and the only contact is for a blood meal.   The blood-feeding feast occurs at night, and they generally seek shelter during the day and become inactive while they digest the blood meal from the night before.   Saying that though the bed bugs can and will bite in the day especially if starved for a period of time.   It is know that the bed bugs can survive for long periods without a need for blood and although they prefer a human host, as a second choice they will feed on a variety of other warm blooded animals which could include bats, rabbits, rodents and even the family pet looks good if they are hungry.   Where are they hiding?   The bed bugs like to house themselves in various dark locations, which is in close proximity to where people sleep. The bugs like to hide under mattresses, floorboards, paintings and carpets, also they can in cracks and crevices of walls, in bed frames and other furniture, and can even live behind wallpaper.   Bed bugs tend to be in close contact with each other and you will note their presence when there is an infestation as this is usually accompanied by a distinctive sweet sickly smell.   Another tell tale sign is blood spotting on mattresses and nearby furnishings.  Bed bugs can easily travel the world as they are easily transported in luggage, clothing, bedding and furniture.   It is with their easy ways to transport themselves bed bugs have an international distribution.   What is the best treatment?   When you suspect that you have unwelcome visitors such as bed bugs then your best course of action would be to call in a fully licensed pest control expert.   I say this as they will be able to do a thorough job of getting to all of the favourite places that bugs live and also the fact they will be able to inspect adjoining rooms for other signs of infestation.   The pest control expert is licensed to treat the areas infected by the bugs with a much stronger insecticide than you could safely use.   Keep in mind the breeding cycle of the female bed bug and the fact adult bed bug lays 2-3 eggs per day so without proper treatment you are going to have a big problem soon.   Get the house or hotel rooms treated by a professional at  A1 Pest Control Canberra call Bob today 0407 065 413. read more.

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