Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Do you need to Get Rid of Possums?

opossumIn Australia, opossums are commonly known for being viciousness. Despite this, they can easily give a nasty bite if they are frightened. They can transmit diseases like typhus as well as carry parasites such as including ticks, fleas and roundworms. When they are scared, these nocturnal creatures are known for a defensive ploy of falling over in a dead faint. When they move into your compound or backyard, opossums can be a great nuisance. The best way of getting rid of them is making sure you keep them away from your home by making life generally unpleasant for them.
As soon as you have identified presence of a possum within your home, you should immediately try to locate its point of access to your home. The best time to do this is during the day because you can be able to identify holes which make it possible for the opossum to get into your home. Once you have spotted the holes, sprinkle a handful of flour in front of these holes and leave it overnight since the possums normally go out at night to look for food. Look out for the possum footprints in the flour early in the morning. These can help you to identify whether the problem is a single opossum or a whole family of possums. read more.

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