Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Do you need to Get Rid of Possums?

opossumIn Australia, opossums are commonly known for being viciousness. Despite this, they can easily give a nasty bite if they are frightened. They can transmit diseases like typhus as well as carry parasites such as including ticks, fleas and roundworms. When they are scared, these nocturnal creatures are known for a defensive ploy of falling over in a dead faint. When they move into your compound or backyard, opossums can be a great nuisance. The best way of getting rid of them is making sure you keep them away from your home by making life generally unpleasant for them.
As soon as you have identified presence of a possum within your home, you should immediately try to locate its point of access to your home. The best time to do this is during the day because you can be able to identify holes which make it possible for the opossum to get into your home. Once you have spotted the holes, sprinkle a handful of flour in front of these holes and leave it overnight since the possums normally go out at night to look for food. Look out for the possum footprints in the flour early in the morning. These can help you to identify whether the problem is a single opossum or a whole family of possums. read more.

Carpenter Ants

Carpenter Ants

Carpenter Ant

Carpenter Ants take a fair bit of persistence and a little work on your behalf to get the ants under control in your home.

Prior to your call to in the pest control technician, ensure that you have a thorough inspection around your outside of your home and garden area.

The Best Carpenter Ant Control:

As carpenter ants are both sugar and protein eaters they are very comfortable while feeding on your home.

The mistake that many people make in identifying the ants is that when they see tell tale signs such as sawdust on the floors and window sills they automatically think that they have a termite problem..

The only way to dismiss this thought is to arrange for an expert in termite inspections.

A1 Pest Control Canberra specialises in this type of work. View our pages on Termite Inspection

You can contact us by calling 0407 065 413 or emailing Bob@a1pestcontrolcanberra.com.au

Ant Baits and Treating Infestations:

Treat the outside of your home with a residual barrier insecticide like Termidor, and clear rubbish and leaves away from the home.

Kill any mature nest you may find (usually in rotting wood) by opening the nest and drenching it with boiling water or with a mixture of water and ant killer.

Structural improvements may be necessary to prevent establishment of indoor carpenter ant colonies.

When you get rid of carpenter ants from your home is simple enough if at first that you can find out where the Carpenter Ants are coming from.

If the colony is large enough, nesting carpenter ants will funnily enough actually make a noise that is similar to crunching a piece of paper. read more.

Best Pest Control Canberra

Best Pest Control Canberra
Pest Control Canberra

Best Pest Control Canberra

When you are dealing with pests you want the best pest control company to be on the other end of the phone when you call..right?

And A1 Pest Control Canberra is the best.  Being in business for 25 plus years treating pests in both residential and commercial properties has our customers rating us as the best in the business.

There are numerous reasons why you should to call us, it could be you are looking for someone that will talk you through and educate you on the pest problem you currently have and to give you advice on how to get the best results from a treatment.

You may need to get us in as you are buying a new home and want the peace of mind to know that house is not housing termites or any other undesirable pests.  This is the biggest money saver as if pest control inspection is not done you may be left to fork out money on expensive repair bills. read more.

Bee Keepers

Bee Keepers
Bee control by Bee keeper

Bee Keeper 

Are Bees or Wasps a problem? Can’t find  bee catcher or Bee keeper? We charge reasonable rates to get rid of (kill) bees and wasps.

For quick action call 0407 065 413 or bob@a1pestcontrolcanberra.com.auGive me a call before they get into your walls.

The followingbee catcherscan remove bees without killing them. We only get rid of bees by killing them with low toxic insecticides when they are a danger or pest to people’s living areas. read more.

Bed Bugs Mattress Encasement

Bed Bugs Mattress Encasement
Mattress Encasement

Bed Bugs Mattress Encasement

What are they and where can I get them?

Bed Bug Mattress Encasement’s will protect you from an initial infestation in your mattress base (box spring).

At least 70% of bed bugs present in an infestation colonise the mattress and infrastructure of the box springs. If there is an infestation, our encasements will eliminate the opportunity for bed bugs to find a home.

 Bed Bugs Mattress Encasement Tips

Call Bob on 0407 065 413 or Bob@A1pestcontrolcanberra.com.au for more information and help with your bed bug problem. read more.


WaspsWasps Treatment – Canberra a problem?

We charge economic rates to get rid of wasps. For fast action call 0407 065 413 or email bob@a1pestcontrolcanberra.com.au

Wasp Stings

Wasps sting to defend themselves or their colony. Stinging involves the injection of protein venom that causes pain and other reactions.

Wasps can sting more than once because they are able to pull out their stinger without injury to themselves. If you are stung by a wasp, the stinger is not left in your skin.

Very rarely, a person may suffer a life-threatening, systemic allergic reaction to a wasp sting, which can cause anaphylactic shock fainting, difficulty breathing, swelling, and blockage in the throat within minutes of being stung.

These systemic symptoms are cause for immediate medical attention. People with known systemic allergic reactions to bee or wasp stings should consult with their physician.

The venoms of bees and wasps are different, so having a severe reaction to a wasp sting does not mean a person will have the same reaction to a bee sting. read more.

Rodent Control

Rodent (Mainly rats and mice)Rodents(Mainly Rats and Mice)

Rats as well as mice are alongside mankind, essentially the most effective creatures on the planet when it comes to selection as well as range.

Mankind has unknowingly assisted their distribution through the entire word through exploration. Nevertheless, they’ve in certain conditions turn out to be his worst type of adversary.

Large amounts of money annually is sacrificed through contamination of foodstuff through rodent excrement, urine as well as fur. Rats ruin a lot more foodstuff compared to they might possibly consume, and also their eating routines via gnawing have been to blame for producing fires in roofs and walls.

They are prolific breeders that inside a calendar year a rat may have between 30 -80 young, depending on species whereas one couple might produce 15,000 rats in their life span.

Rodents may press via a opening the dimensions of a twenty cent piece, drop twenty metres without injuries, tread water for three days, consume a variety of foods and endure an atomic bomb blast.  How’s that for constitution.

Possum Control: How to trap possums

opossumAlmost every home owner who encounters possums in their compound finds them a great nuisance. Possums are known to rummage through garbage cans and steal the food you leave for your pets. Even though it can be a bit tricky to get rid of possums, with a little perseverance you can be able to convince the backyard possum to move elsewhere.In order to effectively get rid of opossums, it is always important to first understand their habits. Even though they prefer wooded areas or open fields near streams, opossums will easily create a home in abandoned burrows; tree crevices; brush piles; or areas beneath steps, decks, and outbuildings.
Being nocturnal animals, possums will be very active at night and sleep throughout the day. This is why they can be difficult to spot when they are attacking your garden. If you are keen you will be able to spot signs of their presence such as their droppings, tracks, over turned pet food dishes or garbage cans and damaged plants. Backyard possums are also considered to be omnivores since they feed on fruits, nuts, insects, eggs and small animals such as frogs and mice.
The most common control methods that are used for backyard possums include opossum repellents, trapping and fencing.There are very many products that are available on the market which target repelling these wild animals. The problem with these products is that they only provide a short time solution. Apart from these methods, other possum control methods include using motion-activated sprinkler systems. These will startle the creatures and frighten them off.Use of traps on opossum is also another commonly used method employed for possum control. Even though it is challenging to know how to trap a possum, getting to know what to do with one after you have captured it is the biggest challenge. This is because a captured possum needs to be relocated by an authorized wildlife expert in most areas.
It is illegal to kill these animals in most states and hence it should be the last resort. Trapping them in a box or cage-like trap can be easy and the trap should measure approximately 10 by 12 by 32 inches. The best places to place the traps includes along trails and known travel routes. A bait should be included and a trap can be baited with fruit such as over ripe melons, grapes, or bananas.Use of fences such as putting up woven wire or electric fences is also a great possum control method. The fence that is put up around garden areas needs to be approximately four feet high, with the top foot or so facing outward and away from the garden. This is to prevent the possums from climbing over. You can also add an electric fence that is about 3-4 inches over the top so as to keep the possums away. read more.

Pest Control Canberra

Pest Control Canberra
How to Pest Control

Pest Control Canberra

Safe Environmental Solutions For You and Your Family.

Looking for a reliable and safepest controlfirm that doesn’t charge the earth for its services? Our pest exterminators have been successfully treatingCockroaches, Ants, Spiders, Bees, and Bed Bugs within Canberra metro area now for a long time now.

The reasons for our success are great services backed up by rock solid warranties, and good old-fashioned customer satisfaction that seems to be lacking now a days.

Our Pest Technicians also give you protection against bees, Fleas, rats, mice Rodents, bird lice often called mites or other garden pests. read more.

How to get rid of dangerous possums for good

How to get rid of dangerous possums for goodThere is no doubt that almost anyone’s compound or backyard will attract different types of pests and insects that may be a nuisance, and this being possum breeding season leading into spring, you may easily find yourself invaded with possums. Just like any other pest problem, you need to take control of the situation before the possums do. So what do you need to do so as to get rid of possums from your home?
Since with such pests there are risks once they find a home in your property, you need to carefully think about the best preventive measures. When it comes to dealing with possums, prevention is the perfect approach. Always try to keep your home as clean as possible, seal openings in the buildings and avoid leaving foods outside. Such measures will discourage possums from coming to your house, attic, etc. The major challenge is the fact that a lot of preventive techniques will not work well because these creatures can be very obtrusive and will find a lot of reasons to use your place as their home. So how can you get rid of these dangerous possums from your compound completely? The best method is to possum-proof your territory. This method will include getting rid of all the unnecessary debris such as deep leaf litter, fallen trees, unused equipment or unused cars. read more.


Fleas control Canberra
Fleas control

Flea Control Canberra – How to get rid of Fleas

There are over 70-80 species of fleas in Australia, the cat flea & the dog flea being the most common. They are black or sometimes brown in colour and about 1-6mm in length. Cat fleas are much more common, which are found upon dogs and cats.

Grass Fleas and Sand Fleas

Fact or fiction – one of the little known facts is that there are “sand fleas” and “grass fleas”. All fleas live off hosts, and could not survive just living in grass or sand without a host. The real fact is that culprits are cat fleas lying in these places after their pet has shaken off onto the ground.

One of the best ways to get rid of fleas is to regularly wash your pets in a safe, residual flea shampoo. Regular house cleaning that includes vacuuming flea-infested areas helps, but in most cases of heavy infestations, you will need to call on the services of a professional pest controller.

When these type of nasty, itching pests are a problem for you, please call us without delay on 0407 065 413, or email bob@a1pestcontrolcanberra.com.au for a free quote and advice about fleas and Pest Control in Canberra area. read more.




All told in Australia there are five main pest species ofcockroaches.  The different species comprise of German, Smoky-brown, American, Australian and Brown-banded cockroaches.

The reason that they are regarded as pests is due to a number of factors these are:
  • their ability to reproduce quickly
  • char characteristic odour
  • their ability to contaminate food by their droppings and
  • regurgitations and the spread of diseases.
Pest technicians are often asked by clients “Aren’t cockroaches supposed to be one of the cleanest animals because of the grooming habits?”

This is  obviously a myth because of the habits of cockroach to roam through sewers, urinals, garbage and rubbish.

They consume food and faeces of man and animals, harbouring diseases such as Salmonella, Diarrhoea and Typhus.

Advice To Get Rid of Cockroaches:

Visual inspection is a very important part of cockroach control. We ask clients if they have noticed any particular trouble areas, then we inspect all known cockroach hiding places such as:

Carpenter Ant Removal

Carpenter Ant Removal

Carpenter ant removal from your home is best left to the experts that are properly trained in this field.  There are however, some suggestions you can do on your own.  I would like to review a few with you and leave the final decision up to you, if the time and energy is worth it to do by yourself or to have a professional exterminator come in and do the job more efficiently .

Termites and Ants
Carpenter Ant Removal
The first thing you would need to do is inspect your home, from roof to basement and everywhere in between, in search of the nest (also known as “galleries”) of the carpenter ants.  Unless you locate the nest, any pest control treatment used is rendered a waste of time.  Carpenter ants are usually nocturnal pests, and it is recommended to search for these nests at dawn (just before the sun rises) or in the evening (earliest should be one hour after sunset).  I can only think of a million things that I would rather be doing during those hours than looking forcarpenter ants.  Will someone please explain to me, how I am supposed to find these galleries in the dark?!

Here is another one of my favorite tips that I came across: sincecarpenter antsare attracted to food, “they” (the people with the bright ideas) tell me to wipe crumbs off the counter top and sweep the kitchen floor after every meal.  Heck! My momma was telling me that for years! That is not a “carpenter ant removal tip”; it is common sense and good hygiene.

Bee Removal

Bee Removal Canberra

Bee Removal Canberra
Ways of Bee Removal
Are you having a problem dealing with bee removal or wasps? Is it extremely difficult in your area to find a Bee keeper or a Bee Catcher for bee removal?

If you are looking for highly qualified, licensed and full equipped pest control professionals, call Bob on 0407 065 413

or email at bob@a1pestcontrolcanberra.com.au for fast action and permanent results.

How to Get Rid of Bees:
An untrained person is certainly not someone that you want when it comes tobee removal, a bee swarm or even a single bee can inflict painful and numerous stings and in the unfortunate possibility that you might be allergic, a single sting can possibly prove fatal.

It is highly recommended that if you wish to monitor any bee activity, such as their search for a new nest on your property, that this should be done at a safe distance, preferably in a protected area, such as the inside of your home. This will give you the safety that you should have and also gives you access to a phone, in order to call a Bee Catcher or Keeper or a pest control specialist well versed in bee removal.

It is imperative that you do not try to antagonize the bees by throwing rocks, spraying them or trying to cover their nest, all this will do is rile them up and put yourself in danger.

Best Time to Move Bees:

The best possible time to bee removal or relocate bees is prior to the erecting of a new hive. If at all possible, contact a bee keeper by looking them up in the yellow pages, they should be listed under: “Beekeepers and Apiarists”.

If there are multiple reporting’s of bees in the area or if it is spring time, you might have difficulty contacting the local beekeeper, in the interim it is advisable to stay clear of the area, this goes especially true of small children, since they might not know any better and could get seriously hurt.

If the bees have already built a hive, then it is highly recommended that a fully licensed, equipped and knowledgeable pest control specialist be contacted so that the proper form of action can be taken.

Bee Removal Canberra:

Anytime an untrained and ill-equipped person triesbee removalon their own it usually has all the markings of a disaster waiting to happen. An untrained person attempting to use chemical sprays or smokers in the vain effort of trying to calm or subdue the bees will more than likely cause the bees to swarm and attack leading to someone getting hurt and if they are allergic possibly worse. read more.

Bee Catchers

Bee Catchers Canberra

Bee Catchers

Are Bees or Wasps a problem? Can’t find a bee catcher or bee-keeper?

We charge reasonable rates to get rid of (kill) bees & wasps.

For fast action call Bob for fast action 0407 065 413 or bob@a1pestcontrolcanberra.com.au

The following bee catchers can remove bees without killing them. We only get rid of bees by killing them with low toxic insecticides when they are a danger or pest to people’s living areas.

Lyn & Pat Shiels
6286 2421 or 0417 669 232
Any Canberra Area

John Rice
6238 3791 or 0488 204 043
Any Canberra Area including Queanbeyan, Wamboin, Bywong, Bungendore, Captains Flat, Braidwood, Sutton, Gundaroo, Murrumbateman, Yass and surrounding districts.

Dick Johnston
6282 8112
Woden and Weston Creek

Con Gianakos
6286 5384
Southside Canberra

Renata Draber
0401 315 677
Canberra and Queanbeyan

Warren Clendenning
0408 293 063
Holt and nearby areas

John Grubb 041 9290 546
Lyneham and Kaleen

Tayla Jones
0410 062 502

Frank Crnkovic0418 620 678

Paul Zarb
6241 5534 or 0406 375 182
Belconnen and North Canberra

Scott Williams
0403 324 212
Braidwood, Bungendore area

Bob Shaw
4844 5001
Goulburn, Tarago, Windellama and nearby

Bob Snedden
6288 0868 or 0403196288
Weston, Woden, Kambah

David Cleary
0408 633 203
Yass area

Colleen Bryant and Joanne Lee
6226 8312

Adrian Meijer
0411 769 293
Bungendore, Bywong, Wamboin, Queanbeyan, Jerrabomberra, Woden Valley and Weston Creek

Glenn Wallace
0402 822 114
Goulburn and surrounds

Phil Adams
0425 256 831
Any Canberra area

Cath and Dave
6288 7202 or 0403 587 997
Weston Creek

Jim Calokerinos
6282 4110
Woden and Weston Creek

Vanessa Prout
0416 804 280
Lanyon valley

Phil & Vicki Keenan
0418 249 185
Southside Canberra

Ian Crabbe
0423 253 468
Tuggeranong, Lanyon Valley, Queanbeyan

Eric Davies
0414 501 578
Weston Creek

David Buckle
6281 4120
Southside Canberra

Ian Towers
0417 175 601
Weston Creek

Bed Bug Control

Bed Bug Control Canberra

Bed Bugs
Bed Bug Control
Searching for a Bed Bugs pest control? How Do You Know You Have Bed Bugs?   Bed Bugs today are a real problem as the insect is one of the most travelled wingless insects in the world.  They are a rust coloured insect oval in shape and around 4 to 5mm long when they become adult.   If you have a problem of bed bugs in your home or in your business environment call Call Bob on 0407 065 413 or email him at Bob@a1pestcontrolcanberra.com.au

 Bed Bug Control Tips

With bed bugs they change colour through to dark red after they have gorged on a blood yes your blood – now that is a horrible thought!   Although bed bugs are hard to distinguish as they are flat and thin means which makes detection difficult as they can hide in the narrowest crevices and cracks, making it very difficult for the naked eye to locate them.   There are 2 main species that are commonly named the bed bug and they are called Cimex lectularius, and the other tropical bed bug called Cimex hemipterus.   Until recently there was only one type of bug known in Australia but now the tropical version has also recently made a presence. Bed Bugs Developmental stages:   In all there are 5 juvenile stages, which are known as nymphs, these are really only smaller versions of the adults in appearance.   With each nymphal stage requires at least 1 blood meal to moult to the next stage and it takes between 5 to 10 minutes for complete engorgement to occur.   The whole nymphal development takes approx 6 to 8 weeks; meantime the adult bed bugs can live on average for 6 to 12 months.   The main food that both the nymphal and adult stages require for both sexes require blood for nutrition and for development.   In the mating stage, each female lays 2 to 3 eggs a day throughout her lifespan.   The light whitish coloured eggs are approx 1mm in length are cemented on rough surfaces of where they are hiding, and will hatch within around 10 days at room temperature, but longer in cooler conditions.   You can see how it really doesn’t take much to have a bed bug epidemic as these pests can breed very quickly given the right conditions.   As now you can see now how quickly a bed bug problem can multiply and get out of control without the correct treatment.  What do bed bugs eat?   bed bugs These quiet nasty little bugs are especially adapted physically for piercing through skin and sucking blood your blood mainly is their favourite.   As with any blood sucking arthropods, they inject saliva during feeding, which has anticoagulant properties.   The bed bugs are more at home in the warmth and carbon dioxide of a host and quickly home in on a suitable feeding site. The bed bugs tend not to live on humans and the only contact is for a blood meal.   The blood-feeding feast occurs at night, and they generally seek shelter during the day and become inactive while they digest the blood meal from the night before.   Saying that though the bed bugs can and will bite in the day especially if starved for a period of time.   It is know that the bed bugs can survive for long periods without a need for blood and although they prefer a human host, as a second choice they will feed on a variety of other warm blooded animals which could include bats, rabbits, rodents and even the family pet looks good if they are hungry.   Where are they hiding?   The bed bugs like to house themselves in various dark locations, which is in close proximity to where people sleep. The bugs like to hide under mattresses, floorboards, paintings and carpets, also they can in cracks and crevices of walls, in bed frames and other furniture, and can even live behind wallpaper.   Bed bugs tend to be in close contact with each other and you will note their presence when there is an infestation as this is usually accompanied by a distinctive sweet sickly smell.   Another tell tale sign is blood spotting on mattresses and nearby furnishings.  Bed bugs can easily travel the world as they are easily transported in luggage, clothing, bedding and furniture.   It is with their easy ways to transport themselves bed bugs have an international distribution.   What is the best treatment?   When you suspect that you have unwelcome visitors such as bed bugs then your best course of action would be to call in a fully licensed pest control expert.   I say this as they will be able to do a thorough job of getting to all of the favourite places that bugs live and also the fact they will be able to inspect adjoining rooms for other signs of infestation.   The pest control expert is licensed to treat the areas infected by the bugs with a much stronger insecticide than you could safely use.   Keep in mind the breeding cycle of the female bed bug and the fact adult bed bug lays 2-3 eggs per day so without proper treatment you are going to have a big problem soon.   Get the house or hotel rooms treated by a professional at  A1 Pest Control Canberra call Bob today 0407 065 413.
More risks can arise with the use of insecticides to treat bed bug problems in the home, particularly when individuals attempt to eradicate bed bugs without the help or advice of a professional pest manager.   People with no pesticide application experience are using surface spray, fly spray, and sometimes illegal products to attempt to control bed bugs in their homes.   It would be easier buying bed bug mattress encasements, castor or a screw in barriers which have a sticky impassable barrier.   Bed bugs can be transferred among people, and that places a great deal of social, emotional and financial stress on sufferers.   Bed Bugs Control Canberra:   Control is challenging and costly, and there is still a certain amount of social stigma attached to living with bed bugs. Having bed bugs may restrict the social lives of people.   Sufferers avoid visiting friends and family and often throw away belongings, at great cost, and minimal benefit.   Rental disputes often occur over who is responsible for the infestation and re-location costs while treatment is taking place. The following are needed for effective bed bug control read more.

Bee Keepers

Bee Keepers
Bee control by Bee keeper

Bee Keeper 

Are Bees or Wasps a problem? Can’t find  bee catcher or Bee keeper? We charge reasonable rates to get rid of (kill) bees and wasps.

For quick action call 0407 065 413 or bob@a1pestcontrolcanberra.com.auGive me a call before they get into your walls.

The followingbee catcherscan remove bees without killing them. We only get rid of bees by killing them with low toxic insecticides when they are a danger or pest to people’s living areas. read more.

Bed Bugs Mattress Encasement

Bed Bugs Mattress Encasement
Mattress Encasement

Bed Bugs Mattress Encasement

What are they and where can I get them?

Bed Bug Mattress Encasement’s will protect you from an initial infestation in your mattress base (box spring).

At least 70% of bed bugs present in an infestation colonise the mattress and infrastructure of the box springs. If there is an infestation, our encasements will eliminate the opportunity for bed bugs to find a home.

 Bed Bugs Mattress Encasement Tips

Call Bob on 0407 065 413 or Bob@A1pestcontrolcanberra.com.au for more information and help with your bed bug problem.

Total mattress encasement has a patent pending “Zipper with the hook”. This is certified to protect against bedbugs. read more.

Bee Removal

Bee Removal Canberra

Bee Removal Canberra
Ways of Bee Removal
Are you having a problem dealing with bee removal or wasps? Is it extremely difficult in your area to find a Bee keeper or a Bee Catcher for bee removal?

If you are looking for highly qualified, licensed and full equipped pest control professionals, call Bob on 0407 065 413

or email at bob@a1pestcontrolcanberra.com.au for fast action and permanent results.

How to Get Rid of Bees:
An untrained person is certainly not someone that you want when it comes tobee removal, a bee swarm or even a single bee can inflict painful and numerous stings and in the unfortunate possibility that you might be allergic, a single sting can possibly prove fatal.

It is highly recommended that if you wish to monitor any bee activity, such as their search for a new nest on your property, that this should be done at a safe distance, preferably in a protected area, such as the inside of your home. This will give you the safety that you should have and also gives you access to a phone, in order to call a Bee Catcher or Keeper or a pest control specialist well versed in bee removal.

It is imperative that you do not try to antagonize the bees by throwing rocks, spraying them or trying to cover their nest, all this will do is rile them up and put yourself in danger.

Best Time to Move Bees:

The best possible time to bee removal or relocate bees is prior to the erecting of a new hive. If at all possible, contact a bee keeper by looking them up in the yellow pages, they should be listed under: “Beekeepers and Apiarists”.

If there are multiple reporting’s of bees in the area or if it is spring time, you might have difficulty contacting the local beekeeper, in the interim it is advisable to stay clear of the area, this goes especially true of small children, since they might not know any better and could get seriously hurt.

If the bees have already built a hive, then it is highly recommended that a fully licensed, equipped and knowledgeable pest control specialist be contacted so that the proper form of action can be taken.

Bee Removal Canberra:

Anytime an untrained and ill-equipped person triesbee removalon their own it usually has all the markings of a disaster waiting to happen. An untrained person attempting to use chemical sprays or smokers in the vain effort of trying to calm or subdue the bees will more than likely cause the bees to swarm and attack leading to someone getting hurt and if they are allergic possibly worse.

Bee Catchers

Bee Catchers Canberra

Bee Catchers

Are Bees or Wasps a problem? Can’t find a bee catcher or bee-keeper?

We charge reasonable rates to get rid of (kill) bees & wasps.

For fast action call Bob for fast action 0407 065 413 or bob@a1pestcontrolcanberra.com.au

The following bee catchers can remove bees without killing them. We only get rid of bees by killing them with low toxic insecticides when they are a danger or pest to people’s living areas. read more.

Bed Bug Control

Bed Bug Control Canberra

Bed Bugs
Bed Bug Control
Searching for a Bed Bugs pest control? How Do You Know You Have Bed Bugs?   Bed Bugs today are a real problem as the insect is one of the most travelled wingless insects in the world.  They are a rust coloured insect oval in shape and around 4 to 5mm long when they become adult.   If you have a problem of bed bugs in your home or in your business environment call Call Bob on 0407 065 413 or email him at Bob@a1pestcontrolcanberra.com.au

 Bed Bug Control Tips

With bed bugs they change colour through to dark red after they have gorged on a blood yes your blood – now that is a horrible thought!   Although bed bugs are hard to distinguish as they are flat and thin means which makes detection difficult as they can hide in the narrowest crevices and cracks, making it very difficult for the naked eye to locate them.   There are 2 main species that are commonly named the bed bug and they are called Cimex lectularius, and the other tropical bed bug called Cimex hemipterus.   Until recently there was only one type of bug known in Australia but now the tropical version has also recently made a presence. Bed Bugs Developmental stages:   In all there are 5 juvenile stages, which are known as nymphs, these are really only smaller versions of the adults in appearance.   With each nymphal stage requires at least 1 blood meal to moult to the next stage and it takes between 5 to 10 minutes for complete engorgement to occur.   The whole nymphal development takes approx 6 to 8 weeks; meantime the adult bed bugs can live on average for 6 to 12 months.   The main food that both the nymphal and adult stages require for both sexes require blood for nutrition and for development.   In the mating stage, each female lays 2 to 3 eggs a day throughout her lifespan.   The light whitish coloured eggs are approx 1mm in length are cemented on rough surfaces of where they are hiding, and will hatch within around 10 days at room temperature, but longer in cooler conditions.   You can see how it really doesn’t take much to have a bed bug epidemic as these pests can breed very quickly given the right conditions.   As now you can see now how quickly a bed bug problem can multiply and get out of control without the correct treatment.  What do bed bugs eat?   bed bugs These quiet nasty little bugs are especially adapted physically for piercing through skin and sucking blood your blood mainly is their favourite.   As with any blood sucking arthropods, they inject saliva during feeding, which has anticoagulant properties.   The bed bugs are more at home in the warmth and carbon dioxide of a host and quickly home in on a suitable feeding site. The bed bugs tend not to live on humans and the only contact is for a blood meal.   The blood-feeding feast occurs at night, and they generally seek shelter during the day and become inactive while they digest the blood meal from the night before.   Saying that though the bed bugs can and will bite in the day especially if starved for a period of time.   It is know that the bed bugs can survive for long periods without a need for blood and although they prefer a human host, as a second choice they will feed on a variety of other warm blooded animals which could include bats, rabbits, rodents and even the family pet looks good if they are hungry.   Where are they hiding?   The bed bugs like to house themselves in various dark locations, which is in close proximity to where people sleep. The bugs like to hide under mattresses, floorboards, paintings and carpets, also they can in cracks and crevices of walls, in bed frames and other furniture, and can even live behind wallpaper.   Bed bugs tend to be in close contact with each other and you will note their presence when there is an infestation as this is usually accompanied by a distinctive sweet sickly smell.   Another tell tale sign is blood spotting on mattresses and nearby furnishings.  Bed bugs can easily travel the world as they are easily transported in luggage, clothing, bedding and furniture.   It is with their easy ways to transport themselves bed bugs have an international distribution.   What is the best treatment?   When you suspect that you have unwelcome visitors such as bed bugs then your best course of action would be to call in a fully licensed pest control expert.   I say this as they will be able to do a thorough job of getting to all of the favourite places that bugs live and also the fact they will be able to inspect adjoining rooms for other signs of infestation.   The pest control expert is licensed to treat the areas infected by the bugs with a much stronger insecticide than you could safely use.   Keep in mind the breeding cycle of the female bed bug and the fact adult bed bug lays 2-3 eggs per day so without proper treatment you are going to have a big problem soon.   Get the house or hotel rooms treated by a professional at  A1 Pest Control Canberra call Bob today 0407 065 413. read more.

Spider Control

spider controlLooking for professional spider control? Australia is home to numerous species of spiders, and there’s no shortage of them in most Aussie back yards.

Many are relatively harmless, some will give you a nasty bite, and others like the Red Back, the Funnel Web and the White Tailed Spider are capable of making the recipient of the bite quite ill.

There aren’t too many of us that like spiders, so whether they’re harmless or not, it’s safe to say that most of us would prefer that all varieties of spiders stayed well away from our home!

Your local pest control expert can assist you with this by treating your home once a year to deter spiders. If you have young children or you’re frightened of spiders, annual spider control may already be your habit however there may be some more things you can do to make your home less inviting to spiders:

• Avoid storing or stacking things up against the outside walls of your home. You may have noticed that Red Backs in particular like to hide behind things. When you have a tidy up to clear these items, wear gloves and move items with caution.

• If you have a garage or shed, keep it tidy and clean – spiders like to build webs in between or behind items so stacks of boxes and unused items can be an ideal environment. Spiders seem to prefer peace and quiet so a nice dark, infrequently used garden shed makes the perfect home. Consider having a spring clean!

• Spiders eat other insects so taking steps to control other insect populations around the home may also help. If you have a problem with other insects, speak to your pest controller for advice. read more.

Cockroach Management

Cockroach Management

  Cockroach Management

Are you searching for cockroach management? In the country, these insects perform a useful role in the eco-system but in the populated suburbs, some species are just pests.

Nobody likes to see cockroaches and you may have noticed that a percentage of people become extremely alarmed when they see them on opening cupboard doors etc. Cockroaches can carry a range of dangerous bacteria including Salmonella, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus. They may also be capable of carrying viruses such as the poliovirus.

It’s because of the capacity of cockroaches to carry and spread disease thatCockroach managementis just as important in the home as it is in a food or restaurant outlet.

What Diseases do Cockroaches Spread?

Cockroaches are scavengers. Not only do they feed on discarded rubbish and dead animals, they also enter sewers to scavenge. They ingest bacteria while eating, and collect it on their body while moving.

As they eat and move about they regurgitate and expel faeces, leaving bacteria behind. When they travel around your kitchen and investigate the food packets in your cupboard, they may be leaving harmful bacteria behind and when you touch the surface of pick up something they have walked on, you may come into contact with those bacteria.

Tips to Discouraging Cockroaches:

• Ensure that food is sealed and crumbs or residue not left on benches, the floor or in the pantry.
• Empty rubbish immediately from the home and keeping outside bins with a tightly fitted lid.
• Wash all pet bowls and do not leave food in the bowl over night.
• Storing old books, magazines or other items that aren’t in use in well sealed plastic containers rather than cardboard boxes, or just stacking them in a storage cupboard.
• Regularly clean behind and beneath kitchen appliances like the microwave and fridge, and remove the crumbs daily from your toaster.
• Using a surface spray.

Whether you’re a restaurant operator or a home owner, the sight of a cockroach scurrying across the floor – or even belly up dead in the cupboard – is something you’d prefer not to see; and it’s certainly something that your visitors or customers don’t want to see.

But sometimes, despite your best efforts in regard to hygiene, cockroaches still appear. This may sometimes be the result of unhygienic conditions at nearby premises, or conversely, the result of a recent pest control orcockroach management treatment nearby that has sent the local cockroaches off in search of new food sources.

If you’d like to speak to a professional about cockroach management you can call us today for more information or to arrange a pest inspection.

You can contact us by calling 0407 065 413 or emailing Bob@A1pestcontrolcanberra.com.au

Cockroach Management

A1 pest control canberra

Flea Control

Flea Management

 Flea Control

Have you got fleas at your place? If you’ve already attempted to rid your home of fleas and haven’t been successful you may need to arrange a professional flea control treatment.

Don’t be too surprised fleas are one of the hardest insects for the householder to eradicate themselves due to their complex breeding cycle.

You may also be surprised to know that you don’t have to have pets in the house for a flea infestation to occur – adult fleas still at the cocoon stage can remain dormant in the cocoon for several months, particularly in carpet in an unoccupied home.

Any activity, including the arrival of new occupants, can drive the fleas to exit the cocoon in search of food.

If you do have pets, fleas may be a frequent problem but there are things you can do to help minimise the problem easily:

• Consult with your veterinary regarding the most effective methods of flea control for your pets;

• Take the necessary steps to drive away all the fleas that have chosen to reside in the bedding material being used by your pet.
• If the problem persists, you might as well dispose off of the old bedding and replace it but don’t do this until after you have taken steps to remove the fleas from your pets and from other areas in the home, or the new bedding may quickly become infested.
• If you used a vacuum cleaner on a flea-infested carpet, make sure to properly dispose off of the vacuum cleaner bag as fleas and eggs will be present
• Flea ‘bombs’ are available for purchase from any supermarket; however, they may not be an appropriate flea control solution if the problem is severe or has recurred despite this treatment.
• You should also think about extending your treatment to outdoor shady areas where your pets often spend time as these areas may be harbouring fleas.
• If you are having a problem with fleas it’s important to tackle the problem quickly. Fleas are more than a nuisance they are blood sucking parasites that are capable of transmitting tapeworm.

Fleas – where did they come from?

Fleas may have entered your home via any one of a number of means, even if your pets have never had fleas before, for example:

You may have brought bedding, carpet or other items into your home that contained flea eggs or cocooned adult fleas. Your pet may have sat or lay down in a place in your yard, at the local dog park, or elsewhere where fleas were present;

If you don’t have a pet, the previous occupant of your new home may have had one. Of course, how they got there may not be your biggest concern at this point! If you’re being eaten alive, speak to your local pest controller about professional flea control.

Ring Bob on 0407 065 413 for a friendly chat and free consultation about your pest problem or email atbob@a1pestcontrolcanberra.com.au

Flea Control